Dem NJ Mayor Is Sending Migrants Back to the Border

( – Sanctuary cities across the United States continue to see buses arrive from border regions, where migrants are flooding in at overwhelming numbers. Several New Jersey cities have now been hit, leading one mayor to start sending his new arrivals straight back to the US-Mexico border. The leader, who is a Democrat, claimed the unexpected busloads of asylum seekers created unacceptable security and health risks, adding that he didn’t think passing the problem off to other US cities was the answer to the influx.

Desperate Times

Many of New Jersey’s immigration problems stem from Democratic New York City Mayor Eric Adams’ efforts to control the number of buses still coming to the Big Apple. He recently issued an executive order in hopes of reducing the rate of new arrivals, according to ABC 7 News, but Texas leaders have ignored it. And to further undermine Adams, the Lone Star State is reportedly using New Jersey as a hub to keep the pipeline of people flowing into New York.

New York City Hall Chief Counsel Lisa Zornberg alleges that buses coming from Texas are no longer stopping at Port Authority. Instead, they’re taking their loads of migrants to train stations in New Jersey and giving them one-way tickets to New York’s Penn Station. Meanwhile, the federal government continues to stay as uninvolved as possible, claiming representatives have spoken to local leaders and offered resources to help. The response implies that the White House is leaving it up to officials in New York, New Jersey, Texas, and other affected states to figure out a solution despite repeated cries for additional assistance on the matter.

Desperate Measures

Newsmax reports that Edison, New Jersey, Mayor Sam Joshi’s solution to the attempts to send asylum seekers to his city is simply to tell law enforcement to send the new arrivals back to the border. He and other liberal city leaders in the Garden State have expressed that they don’t have the room or the resources to keep the mass loads of people Texas has sent through its transportation systems. Still, they agree they need to be as compassionate as possible about the problem.

Joshi shared a video on Facebook about his city’s recent involvement in the migrant crisis. He stated that he is the son of immigrants — but his parents went through the proper legal channels when they moved to the US. Joshi noted that speaking from his unique position, he could say that his responsibility, above all else, was to the people he served. The Edison mayor added that he understood the many barriers that add to people’s difficulties in gaining access to this great country, but the taxpayers of his small municipality would not be footing the bill for a problem the federal government should be handling.

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